Friday, May 20, 2005

What we need to do

There is no script to life. I have seen no end credits roll after loved ones pass away. There is no seminal moment where all is tied together, explained, made clear. Thre is no first second and third acts. Good people can stumble and make a mess of their lives as surely as bad people can walk between the raindrops and attain glory. All is vanity and a chase after wind. Rising and resting, eating, and laughing, crying, and singing all is vanity and a chase after wind. For no mater your words, be they noble, or mere mumblings, can save you from the end that life meters out to you. So if all is vanity and a chase after wind, what is worth doing? Being a friend, being merciful, and celebrating love, any love. Everyitng else is a waste of time.

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