Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Poll Crunch for May 25th, 2005

Gallop: 47% 1,006 responding
AP: 47% 1,000 responding
Time: 46% 1,011 responding
Pew: 43% 1,502 responding
NBC: 47% 1,005 responding

Scott Poll Crunch:
46% of America likes the job GWB is doing.
49% of America doesn't like the job GWB is doing
3% are in too loopy, or possibly too sane, to care.

That is down .6% from April.

Of course you Liberals out there should not take this to hart. You have no agenda to speak of nor do you have any real hutzpah to over turn this one legged prostitute. As maddening as it is to watch the Bush Administration hobble about braking stuff, it is more maddening to see the so called intelligent folks continuing to mutter and splutter about Ohio or Florida.

American politics suck. At least for now.

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