Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Another Triumph for Television

As if to bolster my view that TV is to intellectual persuits what driving a 10 inch steel pike through your head is to the desire to have a good time, we have another great TV show for the ages.

Mansquito. Thats Man-skee-toe, like a man mixed with a mosquito. The tagline says it all "First they hunted for a cure, next they hunted a creature."

I could saw my own head off and still be able to write better movie material than this shit. Terry Shaivo could write better material than this shit. A Pumpkin could write better material.

So here is my story idea for the Sci-Fi channel: (copyright Scott Gregg 2005)

Shesnake: Hotty turns into a snake and terrorizes NYC.

Demonspeed: Street racing devil dudes vs. non devil dudes with Shesnake in cameo.

Reality Bites: About a reality TV that is posessed and attacks the people appearing on the show by causing them to mysterously explode..from within!

Numerator: Evil slime creature turns people into numbers.

Denominator: Pre-sequal to Numerator, same plot different day. Turn rubber suit inside out to get new monster.

Lost in Galactica: Billy Mummy is lost in the old set of Battle Star Galactic. Dr Smith, now totally CGI, helps him by being stupid.

Invasion of the plant snatchers: In this rehash the aliens take over unsuspecting plants and turn them into human beings.

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