Tuesday, October 17, 2006

How they see us

Every once in a while you get a glimpse of how they see us. Corrupt, hedonistic, selfish, lewd, imoral. We are not all this way. Freedom gives us the ability to do many things including being all of the above. It also forces us to make choices. In tyranny, whether religious or secular, people do not have choice. Freedom from authority forces upon us the mantel of the decider. We are all the decider. We annoint our own leaders and then unannoint them as we see fit.

There are, I think, many people who do not like this. They want the annointing to come from above or from something else that has more purity of puropse, or clarity of conscience. This is impossible but they seek it nonethless like Galhad seeking the grail. Forever do they throw up one figure after another to lead them only to find the leader only human. At least the free people of the Earth understand the structure of humanity, make and agree upon laws, and strive to accept responsibility for our own sucess and failure.

We have the capacity for loathsome behavior. But whereas those that believe in tyranny seek to push the blame for holocausts and death to God's shoulders, the free peoples of the earth accept that it is mankind who makes wars and concludes peace. We have been given the free will to either live or die. To kill or not to kill. To build or to destroy. Only the free people understand this responsibility. Only the free understand that the future is in our hands and that we are not puppets nor are we pawns in some war between the good God and the bad god whom we can blame when things do not go our way: ah it was God's will...or...the devil made him do it.

So who are they? The people who do not understand freedom. Or who do undertand it's implications, and have rejected it in favor of being pawns in a game out of their control. Freedom is a very adult thing. Many see it and then recoil, unwilling to take on the responsibilities of adulthood. Seeking the security of childhood where they are told where to go, what to belive, and who to follow. These people are children, seeing the complexity of the universe and rejecting it. They see no point in saving the Earth. It is too hard for them to comprehend such large acts. They throw up their hands and say it is all in some unwritten plan, or buried in ancient books whos authors simply cannot come out and tell them what to do. Bin Laden, seeking to destroy the evil, as he sees it in the world, and Robertson, asking if certain leaders should be killed, are the same. Instead of rolling up their sleeves and pragmatically seeking peaceful coexistance they shrink back into the womb of absolutism, claiming that they speak and act on Gods behalf.

What if the truth actually revolves around our own intellect, granted to us by millions of years of evolution, set up by God. Our own minds and will have made our human world. And to understand the history of mankind is to see a constant struggle between those who wish to broaden the human horizon and better the human condition, and those that seek to retrograde back into the womb. History teaches that the womb seekers always fail.

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