Tuesday, April 26, 2005

A follow up to Yesterday

Whenever things go really bad in Iraq, like the last couple of weeks, the Petagon trotts out General Meyers to tell us how we "almost" did this and "just about" did that, and "virtually" did the other thing.
Today was no different. The general today said that we "almost" got Zarqaui. Another "almost" triumph! Just like we "nearly" getting Bin Laden in Tora Bora. Or "just about" foiling the 9/11 attacks. Or nearly fighting the dragon of Angor, or almost defeating the vicious chicken of Bristol. -sorry I thought I was in a Monty Python movie for a moment-

If so many people were not living lives in utter misery, horror, (other nasty words) it would be funny. I am sure that in time there will be a boat load of laughs to be had over this era in human life.

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