Tuesday, April 03, 2007

D50 Info

Well the folks at Nilon squeezed the D50 out of existance between the D40 and the D8. I guess Nikon doesn't like odd numbered cameras? Anyway technology ever advances. I was talking to a photographer I know and he has a bunch of Nikons. He think people that hem and haugh over 6.1 mp or 10pm are nuts. He has Old nikon with a Leaf digital back that is rated at around 12mp that cost 10 grand back in the day.

To him D40 D50 D70 D80 are all pretty much the same. Grrrrrrrrreat! They all blow the older hyper expensive digital back Nikons out of the water in many more ways than can be counted. He got a D40 and also has a D50 and D70. I am not sure why but this is his job soooooo. Anyway his honest opinion is that image quality in any of the lower end Nikons is superb . The bells and whistles changebut the guts are pretty much the same. And the algarythms used by Niko are also the same and that is what makes a Nikon digital image great.

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