Friday, January 26, 2007

Railroad Update III

A passenger gets out of her fancy black jag at the mainline station in Gregg Junction. The city is getting close to being finished. If it ever can actually get finished. There are a few more industries that need to be added and the water in the river needs to be added.

This train station was built back in 1975 by me when I was 10. It is the oldest model on the layout. It is kinda crappy but it has memories. Cattle pen is owned by Trudy Farms.

Trudy Farms now has the real house. The barn is totally scratch built from white styrine. To real modelers I am sure it looks crappy but I am proud of it. It looks like an old wooden barn to me. The farm also boasts 16 Herefords. The figure by the corvette is a guy we hired off the steet to pose as a model.

1 comment:

Bonnie Gregg said...

Greg Junction and Trudy's Farm look like places I would like to visit.....

Lucky me, I have only to walk downstairs.