Saturday, July 16, 2005

Review of Cleopatra

Watching this movie is like eating a huge Domino's pizza. When you are finished you feel like you have consumed a giant cardboard slop pile. Filling your arteries with gunk, your gullet with bland clay.
This movie is terrible. It is an epic disaster like the Titanic, not the movie but the real thing. All the characters are sniveling little brats who want to be gods and kings and queens. The spend the whole movie whining. It is also a T&A film peopled by muscle men in little pants and cleavage women in little dresses. The only three character worth anything are Caesar, Octavian, and Rufius (Rex Harrison, Roddy McDowall, and Martin Landau) They are the glue that is disolved by the tiny-panted Marc Anthony, and big bossomed Cleopatra.
Here is the basic plot as told by the master story tellers of this epic slop fest:
Blah-blah-blah the end.
This movie gets a 1.

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