Thursday, July 07, 2005

Gluttens for punishment

What we sow we reap. A bad tree cannot bear good fruit. He that lives by the sword will be destroyed by it.

Using tactics that terrorize people to get your point accross, whether that is blowing up trains, destroying skyscrappers, or invading nations and killing civilians, only causes more destruction to fall upon the perpetrator.

Who paid Bin Laden and his fighters while they honed their skills in Afgahnistan? We did.

Who gave Bush the pretext to invade Iraq? Osama Bin Laden did.

Who is creating a breading ground of terrorists? We are.

Who is causing destruction and mayhem to fall upon their allies? Jihadists are.

As hard as it is for humans to get, we all reap what we sow. People that use violence to solve their problems can't win. All they can do is bring more violence on themselves and the people unlucky enough to surround them.

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