Friday, January 29, 1999

Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

Well for some reason I have to review a book. It is a beheamoth. Originally published in 1957. This book is fiction. The author has some farily unrealistic views of the world. Her prime weapon is her Objectivist thoughts as far as what is better for society. I am tempted to refute her 2-D world but I will only they this. She is full of shit. The story is great and I love the characters and I routed for the good guys and dispisedthe bad guys. But her world is so devoid of reality as to fall more into the fantasy area than simple fiction. There are no children, no old, no sick, no discrimination, in short no human qualities to her world. It is a great read. But I think that Ms. Rand wanted to use the book as a venue to espouse her theory of pure self-determination. She equates collective responsibility as evil and the selfish persuit of wealth and power for the sake of the persuit as the purist good. Hitler would have loved her. Overall on a scale of 1 to 10 the book gts a 9 because it is such a ripping read. I would hate to think what an impressionable mind, not grounded in reality, would make of Rand's theory? Some current members of congress come to mind.

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