Thursday, June 01, 2006

Refuting the weak God scenario

Evidently many conservatives believe in a weak and feable god. Their god is always lashing out and killing people who are simply in and around the area of the evil people he needs to smite. Also the conservative god cannot do much for himself. He is so weak as to need men like GW Bush to help him out in his plan to bring peace and happiness to the world. They also do not seem to belive in a monotheistic faith. Their faith is basically dualistic where you have the good god and the bad god and they are constantly duking it out for our soles. The pay lip to the whole "Omni Potens Deus" bit but only lip service. Lastly they have not faith in this weak and feable god. They constantly are worried about his kingdom being destroyed by the evil lefties and gay people.

I am a lefty and my God, the rock eternal, ever living, ever loving, and all powerful God, is not some weak kneed fool on a cloud. He has stretched out his almighty hand to bring the cosmos about and needs not help from the likes of simplminded Fallwell or Pat Robertson to help him. We need God, while God does not need us. His kingdom is beyond the 2-dimensional imaginings of humanbeings. He does not need Christian soldiers to defend him. His merciful and compassionate power defends us. It amazes me how the silly and weak faithed conservatives keep demoting God to a celestial version of Terri Shaivo.

Why waste time praying to a god that needs Bush's help? Or our help?

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