" There will be wars and rumors of wars, but that has always been the case." Jesus.
In otherwords nobody knows when the world is going to end, right? Well not exactly. Anyone who bothers to read any amount of scientific research can tell you what is the likely future of Earth. In about 900 million years the sun will have used up so much fusiable material that its chemical composition will begin to change. It will begin to sluff off its outer atmosphere. This will spell the doom for all life on Earth. At least the bits of life that cannot adapt to high temperatures. The Earth will spend another billion years getting roasted until it resembles Venus. Its mass will keep a lot of atmosphere around it but there won't be a chance in hell that anything that hasn't evolved the ability to live in extreme heat will be able to survive. Evolutin being what it is, and the long time period involved, may allow some organisms to adapt. But in the long run they will be barking up a dead tree. Since after the other billion years the sun will sputter out into a dwarf star and earth will be so cold that any decomposiiton gasses like methane will be in a liquid state.
So we have a long time to screw up the Earth. Or we have a long time to make it better. Hopefully our little spiecies will have figured out how to leave well before the day of reckoning. Since we live in the perfect universe, according to me, then even the destruction of the Earth by a giant sun will occur within the parameters of perfection. Again I hope that our survival is also within the parameters of universal perfection. Yet bodily death seems like it occurs despite all the hullabalu so I see no evidence that humanity is slated not to bite it at some point.
Of course this would not mean much to people who, like the dispensationalists of today or the millenarianists of the centeral Middle ages are followers of the cult of final destruction. This cult has been morphing from age to age and, like the ficticous Priory of Scion in the Da Vinci Code, it has kept its membership alive and well while garding the centeral theme of the cult. The centeral theme is the final Good vs. Evil battle where it all comes to a conclusion and the goodguys win and the badguys lose. This cult has continued undeterred by social, scientific, religous, and political progress. Each catastrophe that naturally befalls a society is a "sign" There is truth to this. The Tsunami that killed 200,000 people last year is a sign that we live on a thin crust of congealed lava floating on a liquid stone ocean thousands of miles deep. HIV is a sign that there are all sorts of bugs out there that can get us. Terrorism is a sign that mankind is still stupid.
The cult of destruction is a manifestation of Satan (total self absorbtioin). The idea that we are all bit players in a movie; Gods movie. How rediculous is that. This only works if we are a fallen people. If we have fallen away from perfection. If we are a manifestation of Gods perfect world than we are not fallen away from God. Our actions, even though they are to us evil, are expected and tolerated by God since they all act in accordance with the perfect creation.
Example in non-human terms:
If you accept that God made carnivors then you accept that God created an animal that survives by killing another animal. This is not done in a kind way. A pack of lions hunts down a wildabeast and rips it to pieces while it struggles to escape. This is how God made things. There is nothing in the Bible that says otherwise. So has the wildabeast been wronged by the lions? We would say no. It is the nature of lions and wildabeasts to interact in such a manner. So to, I would argue, does man have a nature and it is in his nature to lash out to survive and in so doing will perpetrate "evil" against his fellow man. However it is only evil from mans perspective. This is horribly hard for us to accept. Particularly when we are talking about things like the holocaust or a murder.
Doest accepting that Gods view of good and evil is not ours cloud our ability to worship? Well it verywell might depending on our view of God. If God is an avenging God then yes it would really shake our faith since He would be letting all sorts of stuff happen before he comes in and saves the day. To explain this laziness you have to accept that God is using the evil for his own hidden purposes. Clearly if there is a God behind the scenes then free will does not exist and we are either puppets or potential puppets. Eiteher way what kind of entity would wished to be worshipped by action-figures or dolls? No if we have free will then it is total. And if all of us have total free will, within the physical parameters of creation, then all the things that we consider good or bad are our own doing and the doings of other people but not God.
I do not think that there is going to be any end times non-sense. At least nothing done by God. We may end our existance on the planet Earth but it will be our own stupid affair and God will let it happen since we have he free will to do it and it too would be part of the perfect universe.
Oh yes. How can I prove that the universe is perfect? Is this a literary contrivance? Not to me. To me it is logical. Compare the universe, creatioin, the cosmos, whatever you want to call it, to anything. Can you? Compare it to another universe. You can't there is nothing to copare it to. There may be dimensions in this universe we cannot percieve but there is still only one. So I dare you to compare it to another. You cannot say it is imperfect since to do so you would have to show it next to another univrese and show the differences and why ours is flawed. You can't do it.