Tuesday, March 14, 2006

How do you plan to win the war?

I listen to CentCom's head of strategic planning for the war on Terrorism give an interview to NPR's The World. First he said that Bin Laden et all were only one part of the war. To capture or illimanate them would not bring victory. Then he said there were 4 strategic objectives.

1: Get the terrorists

2: Get rid of their safe havens

3: Keep them on the run

4: Harts and Minds

He said that the enemy is extrimism. Then he clarified by saying Islamic Extremism. Then he further clarified saying that they all want to bring the world back to the 7th century, blah, blah, blah... He said we need to partner with our allies in the region (who Saudi Arabia and Pakistan?) and give them "resources" (guns and bombs) to help them fight the terrorists. Holy shit isn't that what we ended up doing in centeral America and South East Asia? Enough of this "fight our war ourselves" BS, lets get some programed dictators to do it for us. Oh boy that'll end the whole terrorim concept. Centeral America and Southeast Asia are bastions of law and liberty thanks to that concept. As a citizen of America I can at long last go to sleep, resting assured that the men in uniform will save the day.

And this guy is the head of what? CentCom's stragic planning for the war on terrorism?

I am sorry but we are so Fucked!

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