Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Confusing idiocy from Michael "Weiner" Savage

MS loves to extoll the virtues of the insipid fear monger Joeseph McCarthy and the knucklewalking bafoons that followed him. Currently MS is trying, in his typically mentally retarded way, to link the current furor over wire tapping with red bating in the 50's. What a load of shite. MS should just admit that he is a f'ing NAZI and be done with it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amazing how much a person can change. You can go from loving MS, to now calling him a nazi.
I don't really care for the guy. But I think calling him a nazi is a little overeactive. I mean, nazi's were people who KILLED people becuase of who they were, or because they thought they weren't what they thought was the golden race. Now to my knowledge MS hasn't done ne thing like that!

And as a christian, i think you should know better than to call someone that.