Thursday, May 24, 2007

Bush News Conference

I got to hear the idiot this morning. So here is some things that our so-called press should have pointed out.

1: President mentioned UN SC resolution 1441 in that Iraq was in violation of that as a pretext for the war.

2: President admitted that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction.

3: If Iraq had no such weapons then they could not comeply with 1441 which told them to get rid of the weapons they did not have.

Also the inspectors were there on the ground continuing their quest to find the non-existant weapons when they were told to leave by Washington so that Bush could have his war.

Bush always trys to turn the question back on the reporters by saying stuff like "So your saying that the world would be safer with Sadam?" Well no this is not what the reporters are asking.

4: Bush said that Sadam got a level of justice that was not seen under his tyranny. Well to most of us who watched this "justice" we are not impressed. And Sadam met the typical fate meated out by his own brutal regime.

Getting back to the WMD that was not there:

It seems to the rest of the world that the only people telling the truth in the run up to the war was the regime of Sadam. The weapons inspectors were finding this out so they had to get yanked. Bush made an assumption that Sadam was lying just like Bush was lying so he sent our army in.

5: Alquieda in Iraq, during the Sadam years, was operating in the northern regions of the country. Why? Because that region was out of Sadam's control. The US Airforce enforced the no-fly zones in effect saving the terrorists from Sadam. Only after the regime came crashing down did the terrorists move south into areas that had been off limits to them.

6: The "democracy" that Bush talks about is a two party government. Dominated by DAWA and SCIRI. DAWA was started back in the 70's and was the creator of Hezbullah. SCIRI was created in Tehran by the revolutionary radicals in Iran. So we replaced a facist dicator with a government that is owned and operated by Islamic militants.

7: The world and region are NOT safer. The region is spiralling downward in Gaza, Lebanon, Palestine, and Iraq. They feed off each other and we provide an easy scapegoat. Our fuckup in Iraq is almost complete.

8: Iraq is not an open ended war. Our armed forces face major equipment and man-power problems because of it. And after 500 billion dollars of American tax money spent and 3400 lives lost, and 20 thousand lives broken, what have we gained? Nothing good.

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