Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Another dreadful anniversary that Bush wish he didn't have...

On May 2nd 2003, George Bush got out of a jet in a flight suit. Soon he was pressing the flesh and beaming. Behind him was the, now infamous banner, "Mission Accomplished" In his blue suit he told us all how "major combat operations" were now over in Iraq.

Pundits on the right did a fair amount of back slapping and giving the bird to Byrd and those thinkers on the left who saw what happened in Iraq and winced.

Could the little peckerwood pull it off? Could a man of limited intellect and questionable qualifications win a quick decisive war against a nation of 26 million and bring about security and democracy all while finding weapons of mass destruction?

Well no he couldn’t do any of that and in hind site that kind of crap only happens in the movies. Real life has a bad habit paving the road to hell with good intentions.

So let us use this horrible anniversary, another in a long line of them, to see what has been accomplished:

Sadam Hussein Ousted: Yes
Weapons of mass destruction found: No
Major Combat Operations over: No
A Stable functioning government in Iraq: No
Nation rebuilt with oil funds: No
Terrorists defeated: No
Terrorist training bases destroyed: No
A more secure Middle East: No
Forces responsible for 9/11 gone: No

More terrorists created: Yes
More hatred toward US: Yes
More Dead Americans: Yes
More Hundreds of billions of tax dollars spent: Yes
More permanently maimed soldiers: Yes
US credibility weakened: Yes
US President thought on par with Osama Bin Laden: Yes

I think that George Bush and his administration is the sleeper cell everyone keeps talking about. He is the Manchurian candidate made flesh. He has done more to aid our enemies than any single American.

We need to be realistic. Being realistic is not defeatist. Only an idiot would still be looking at Iraq as winnable in any substantive way unless things drastically change. And 20,000 troops is not a drastic enough change. The war planners that planned for 500+ thousand troops were all let go because that high number did not mesh well with the micro managing Rumsfeld. We could have won this war if it had been planned and executed correctly. However the Bush leadership has been an utter failure in this and now we stand on the brink of admitting failure. It is not lack of resolve, or American softness, it is Bush’s stupidity and his reliance on men and women who were not up to the task history set before them. They are to blame for the situation. Not the troops or the taxpayers, or the Democrats now struggling to redirect the ship of state so terribly driven off course.

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