Monday, June 19, 2006

Poll Crunch

Since I began my poll crunch at election 2004 Bush has slid like a climbers turd on the side of mount Hood. But throughout his plummet his favorability rating has held in there. It too has slid but not as nastily as his approval rating. Until this month. His favorability rating now stands at around 18% making him one of the least liked Presidents, worse than Jimmy Carter during the hostage crisis and worse than Nixon before his impeachment. It isn't that people like the guy but dislike his policies. He is personally disliked.

Anyhow here goes with the June Poll Crunch for 2006
Do we think Bush's Policies are good?

No 57%
Yes 37%
Duh I am living on Pluto 6%

Do you like Him?

I Love the guy 18%
He's Okay 21%
anh? 9%
He's sort of, you know, bad 15%
He Sucks! 37%

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