Thursday, March 23, 2006

Wolves in sheeps clothing

Okay all you hyper-Christians. How is your boy doing in the White House? lets look at Afgahnistan. There is a guy who may get the death penalty for converting from islam to Christianity. Does your boy jump to the guys defense? Only after lots of bitching from the Christian establishment. If no one bitched at Bush he'd have let the man get killed.

Understand that Bush and his administration DO NOT CARE ABOUT CHRIST. They only care enough to get you to vote for them. They have sold their souls to altogether darker powers. I am not talking about Satan either. They'd be Satan worshipers if they thought that would get them votes. Basically they only believe in the god MONEY. If you think they wouldn't sell Christ out for 30 pieces of silver, or a stock option, you are fooling yourself, or letting yourself be fooled by them.

So where does a Christian turn to? Well for starters Christians should not expect political parties to be anything more than political parties. They are of the City of the Earth, while followers of Christ are dwellers in the City of God. Asking political parties to act in accordance with Christ is like asking the mayor and city council of one city to be the mayor and city council of yours. They will spend all their time with their own city while ignoring you.

So where does a Christian turn? To CHRIST!!!!!!!!!!! There is no power on this earth worthy of helping God. Does God need help? If God needs help why worship Him? Why worship a god that needs the help of a man? We need His help but he does not need ours. So stop turning to Washington to forward Gods kingdom. Do you need to ask Satan to help God? Well when we seek answers for expansion of our faith in the halls of the city of the Earth we are doing just that.

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