Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Of for crying out loud, not those guys again...

Yes back for the Holidays! Its the worst of all worlds. Take an Alien and cross it with a Predator and you get this slimy bastard. I thought Hollywood couldn't think up any more wholesome Christmas stories. Well I am glad to be proved wrong. I will pre-review this film since I have seen a cut of it and here goes...


Can't these insipid beasts bother some other planet? Why is Earth the Mecca for all the shitty evil creatures in the Universe? In Alien vs Predator the Earth was just a nice backwater to allow the Predator Aliens to kill the Alien Aliens. Now they are back and the humans just get in the way again. I'd like to see something other than the same old BS that I have seen a million times before from both these creatures. If they can't do that then the movie makers should stop wasting time on them.
Here is the link to AVP-R for what it is worth

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