Monday, August 27, 2007

Blind to ourselves

We are so good at picking apart the ones we love or hate and such dismal failures at figuring out why we do the things we do. An example would be how some of us (me) find it easy to bash Bush et al. He is an easy target, oh sure make fun of the retarded man in the white house. Now that takes a lot of guts.

How about all the dumb things we (I) do? Postponing paying bills until the last possible moment, procrastinating on my seemingly endless divorce. Want to duck confrontation at all costs until the confrontation comes and "blam" or "Pow" or "Zap" here we go again. I need to take what I dish out. I might find it tasty. Or maybe I'll choke on my own words...

So what do I say now that Gonzo, aka Torture-boy, aka the big AG, is gone? I personally think that having AG around is great, he the gift that keeps giving. Why wish him, or for that matter Rove, gone? We'd have to be pretty stupid to think that the Admin. will change if these guys leave their "official" capacity. Remember Rumsfeld? He's still got an office in the Pentagon. Do we not understand that Email, to say nothing of the phone, will keep these men in contact with the President regardless of Congressional wishes. Nobody really "goes away" Hell these turds have been lying on the lawn in Washington for decades. They won't go until they are singing with the quire invisible.

It is like trying to escape your ex. If you have kids then forget it. You are gonna be stuck with him/her for the duration so you better make peace with the idea. Even if we got rid of Bush what would that really change? Would Iraq disappear? Hell no, it would rage on with us or without us. If you think the headlines suck now wait until the headlines about the busted Iraqi state start coming in after "The US Abandons Iraq". No this situation is going to be hell no matter what we do.

Recriminations galore for years to come. Everybody better get their fingers good and exercised because there will be a lot of finger point jobs to go around. Republicans blame Democrats for losing Iraq. Democrats blame Republicans for losing Iraq. The public blames all of them. Like a marriage breaking up, in the end does it really matter a damn who's fault it was? Is the injured party going to have some extra vindication over that knowledge? Well maybe. But it is all emotional crap. The reality is that the situation was brought about but a perfect storm of bad decisions, bad intel, bad ideas, and simple bad luck. Its a crap shoot so we have to be careful and not expect more than that, not unless we want to be really depressed.

Looking back at Eisenhower letting the French get clobbered in Vietnam, or FDR taking his sweet time getting involved with Europe; I think that those are examples of being careful, because those guys new what a crap shoot life basically is. It would be neat if we all could be John Wayne, with gun in one hand, and a script that tells us how is all going to turn out in the other, but alas we do not.

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