Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The Queen

I will be the first to admit that I love a good story of kings and queens. At the same time, being a student of history, I am not much of a monarchist. A sizeable part of me, when I see the queen, or Diana, or Prince Charles, is revolted. Why? Because these people maintain a life of privilage for no other reason than they are the decendants of warlords as brutal and amoral as any in Afghanistan or other lawaless regions of the world. Their estates are based on conquest, murder, theft, slavery, and repression on a global scale. I will not say that the current crop of royal idiots is up to no good. The sins of the fathers and mothers, cannot be put upon the heads of the sons, or daughters.

I am an American in the literal sense of the word and do not trust, or like aristocrats. That is why I have distaste for the Clintons and the Bushes and wish niether family to have anything to do with the White House. Yet I suppose we are all family members of someone else so it shouldn't matter. But to me and I think many Americans, it smacks of royalty to have familys battleing for power. I thank the Roosevelts, Kennedys, Adams, Bushs and perhaps Clintons, for their efforts. But would never think to vote for one of them based on who their family was.

I'd even vote for the son of a goat hearder if I thought he'd do a good job. (hint)

The royalty of the world are a bunch of has beens, they are mold growing on the corpse of past glory, glory long dead and not worth much when it was alive, at least to the comman people who had the misfortune to be governed by them.

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