Wednesday, January 03, 2007

FYI to all right wing idiots

1: It is against the law to administer ANY form of religious test to gain access to the halls of power in the US of A.

Article VI section III of the United States Constitution says it quite clearly:

"no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States."

For people claim to follow the Federalists, or are "strict constructionists" this is great for you since Article VI isn't even an amendment. It was part of the law of the land that we could all agree on prior to any of the first 10 great admendments.

So if a man or woman wishes to take an oath on a Bible, or the Quran, or a Superman comic book, they can do so. But as far as the law is concerned they owe their duty to the people, in whos name they hold their office. Mr. Virgil Goode, for what I am not quite sure, is dead wrong in his assertion that a Muslim in Congress is a sign of the end. As far as I can recall President Jefferson, a Virginian, a slave owner, the author of the Declaration of Independance, did not believe that Jesus was God. I guess Jefferson, the veritable creator of American democracy, is un American or not in keeping in with some cock and bull tradition that never was.

As a Christian I am continually appauled by the shallow headed stupidity of those claiming to speak for me. Jesus Christ, GOD, is unconcerned about what piece of paper you hold in your hand or do not. He cares about how you interact with His borthers and sisters. So Virgil Goode can put his hood back on a go stand in front of a burning cross, and pretend that he serves God too, just like the empty headed idiots who thought they were serving God by burning Joan of Arc, or those that thought they were serving God by flying plains in buildings, or serving God by killing their families with shotguns before killing themselves. Yes by all means Mr. Goode, you and the rest of your Taliban please go and serve God. Just don't do it anywhere near me because flaming this or exploding that is not what I am into. Peace be with you brother, reform you life and return to God.

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