Wednesday, April 27, 2005


My dear freinds who follow Dr Dobbson. Reform you lives and return to God. For you have fallen away. The God that made the universe, that redeems souls, who is all powerful, and all meciful, and ever living, does not need Man to protect Him or His Sacrements. Dr. Dobbson has stated that the Sacrement of marriage would be destroyed if gay people were to marry.
I argue that the Sacrement of marriage is set down by God's will and thus cannot be destroyed by Man. According to Roman Catholic canon law it is one of the seven sacrements set down by devine evangelical law. If the holy Sacrement cannot be destroyed then what is being destroyed when two gay people marry? Only Dobbson's faith in God. And if his faith is weak enough to be destroyed by two gay people marrying then he has no faith worthy of the name. Again I say reform your lives and return to God.
If God creates a man or woman as a homosexual, why would God then command them to live in discordance with how He made them? To force a gay person to live a straight life is in countervention of the devine will of God and therefore a sin. The Catholic Church admits, under current Canon Law, that some human beings are infact created this way.
I know of no gay person that decided to be gay. I am a straight man and I remember no time in my past where I "decided" to be straight. My father never told me that I had to be attacked to girls. From the time I was 6 years old I found the opposite sex interesting. By the time I was 10 I was trying to pull the bathing suit off the gil next door and clandestinely viewing my Dad's playboys. All while living in a family where personal affection was not openly expressed. I was clearly born straight.
Gay people I know, knew that they were gay when there were kids. However they attempted to live in discordance of how they were made because the society they lived in, and still live in, says that they are "confused" or "evil".
I would say that one should always strive to live in accordance with God. Walking with Him humbly, and accepting the life He gives you. Perhaps Dr. Dobbson had to choose to live a straight life? If so then I am sure his adolensence must have been quite confusing and alarming.
As for marriage. God's sacrement confers His grace upon the people being married. All love is provided directly from God. If two gay people love each other, and share his love, believe in Christ Jesus, and are willing to proclaim that love to Him that gave the love, then I see no reason that He would not confer upon them His everlasting grace.
Furthermore if the men an women who were married, are now forced apart by the government for no other reason than that they are gay, the sin is on the heads of the government. For what God has joined let no man seperate.
The middle ages were a time of superstition and ignorance. God granted us minds to understand the universe we live in and allowed us to leave that horrible age. I see no reason why we should wish to turn our backs on Him, refute the intellect He gave us, and practice superstition and bigotry in this age.

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