Thursday, March 31, 2005

I want to be King of Vietnam!

One day a few years ago, my freind Phong and I were both lamenting the shitty economy, the sad state of things generally, and how far the dollar doesn't go. Phong said that if he and I went to Vietnam, his homeland, that we could live like kings. "Save one paycheck Scott; just one paycheck. And we could live like kings in Vietnam for years."
I am going to either take the bus to work, bike to work on sunny days, or get a scooter. This gas price thing totally sucks. I just put $40 of gas in my van and that will last until Monday. 160 f'ing dollars a month for gas? I know our European bro's have been doing the 5 dollar shuffle for a while now but I'm an American damnit all!
So boyscouts can you name the top 3 oil producing nations?

1: Saudi Arabia clocks in at 8,711,00 a day
2: United States of America (What the fuck? I thought we didn't produce anything?) 8,054,000
3: Russia at 7,286,000

As you can see the reality is that the US is still a gigantic producer of oil. Of course we consume about 16,000,000 barrels a day so we end up importing 50%. The EU on the other hand produces a combined output of approx. 6,810,000 for all EU natioins.

The sad fact is that we have done nothing to prepare for this crap. Portland is far better off than most big cities. It has some pretty decent public transport.

We should be at $4.00 per gallon pretty soon, like with two years. So the idea of living tens of miles away from your place of work pretty much is rediculous.

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