Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Spunge Bob and James Dobson

For those of you who do not know Mr. Dobson consider yourself lucky. I find his lack of faith disturbing. He is one of those people who claims to be a Christian and at the time shows his utter lack of confidence and faith in Christ. Basically is is always running around like a chicken with his head cut off about how the world is going to hell in a handbasket. "EEEEK my faith in maker of the universe is so low that I fear EVERYTHING!!!!!!!"

Now he is claiming that Sponge Bob Square Pants is gay. I have news for Mr. Strange Dobson Scardypants. Sponge Bob is a cartoon. He does not actually live in your TV. The TV is only an electronic machine designed to convert electronic signals into light.

That being clarified "Sponge Bob Rocks!" He kicks Dobson's ass in both an ethical and spiritual sense. It is very telling when a cartoon character is more of a Christian than a real human being. I know that Dobson's prime beef with gay people and homosexuality in general is that he is one and simply can't sqaure-pants that with his lack-of-faith.

The difference between a true follower of Christ and a pretender is that the true believer stand firm in the storm, unaffraid and confident, leading by exampl, while the pretender runs around blaming everyone for his life accept himself.

Change not the Square Panted Bob!

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