Tuesday, June 15, 1999

Star Wars: The Phantom Menace - Addendum #2

Scene I The begining and end.

On the planet Curisant dark farces are at work spelling the doom of the republic. They have just about finsihed spelling the word "doom" when a space craft lands and Jar Jar Binks, now a general in the Gungan-Naboo army, slops out.

In the two years since his pivital, yet uncessary, role in saving queen Amidala from the clucthes of tax-and-spend Federation types, Jar Jar has become quite full of himself.
"Jar Jar wantin some perfume to be puttin on the feet!" He belows at his servants.
Some Ugnaughts have hitched them elves to his rising star, come out and sycophantically perfume his stinking feet. Jar Jar slaps them away and walks down a long metalic corridor.
As he steps out onto a busy street he falls into an open man-hole (creature hole). He yelps as he falls into the plantes core reactor and is atmoized.

From behind some technical mumbo-jumbo, Darth Sidius chuckles unto himself. Then carefully replaces the man hole cover.

"My plans are approaching their zenith. Moohoo Ha ha!" He says, then fades back into the darkness from whence he came.

Meanwhile Obi wan Kenobi is busy coming to terms with being terminally Scotish.

The End.

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