The next installment of Star Wars, my version, will be available for your reading in the comming weeks. I think its going to be called the Chosen One. Althought this title is subject to change without notice. I have taken pains to include several other characters from the previous 3 films and the origin of Han Solo is touched upon. Another character is done away with. Jar Jar Binks, sorry ol', but your history.
The story, in brief, takes place five years after PM. A jedi named Telayni (First name TBA) is ordered by the council to reopen the investigation into the incident on Naboo to determine the identity of the Sith Lord that killed Jinn, if it was a master or apprentice and how the Trade Federation was conected to it. Sounds simple right? This story starts very simply and ends in, what I consider, a very different, yet hihgly charged way. This story would keep the boys and girls at ILM busy for a long time. It would make PM seem quaint. I think that the story is more solid, understandable, complicated, and dramatic, than PM, hence there is no way that it could get made. Even though there are numerous battles, duals, and exciting times, there isn't a lot of video-game-friendly scenes. Any how, you'll get to read it piece by piece in the coming weeks.